The history of Christmas trees

The history of Christmas trees

The history of Christmas trees in the Brno-střed district

Vegetable Market

Traditionally, the Christmas market at the Vegetable Market is decorated with a large, beautifully grown tree. Since 2016, it has been donated to the Brno-střed city district by people who would have to cut the tree down on their property for serious reasons. The tree can thus bring joy to thousands more Christmas market visitors. The first donated conifer was a spruce tree from Modřice from the Sládek family. In 2017 , a silver spruce was donated by Dr. Lebloch and his family; this 25-metre tree grew nearby in Husovice. In 2018, the Frýz family from Maloměřice donated a spruce tree to the Vegetable Market for the Christmas season. During the 2019 Christmas season, the square was decorated with a Douglas fir tree, which grew in Přízřenice. It was donated by the young Bauer couple. In 2020, we went to Veverské Knínice for a spruce tree, donated by Dr. Dag Ružička. In 2021, a Douglas fir was donated by the Wagner family from Žabovřesky. The tree had to be cut down for safety reasons, as its roots were impacting the foundations of the house. In 2022, the Valach family from Rebešovice donated a 20-year-old fir tree to the Vegetable Market. The same kind of tree was donated to the Christmas market in 2023 by Věra Rozsypalová from Rakvice. In 2024 , a spruce spruce arrived at the Vegetable Market from the Vyškov region, from donors who did not wish to be named.

Moravian Square

Since 2023, a small conifer tree has added an extra element to the festive atmosphere at Moravian Square near the statue of Jobst. This year, the spruce was donated to the Brno-střed district by Zlatka Měřínská from Opatovice near Rajhrad.

A tradition of charity

The tradition of charity, which is inseparably linked to Těsnohlídek’s first tree, has definitely not fallen into oblivion. Every year, the Brno-střed city district gives significant space at the Christmas markets to non-profit organisations for the sale of their products and the presentation of their activities, as well as to charity projects such as the popular Daruj Kelímek.