Mail for the Baby Jesus

Mail for the Baby Jesus

Přijďte s dětmi na stánek s Ježíškovou poštou, kde mohou odevzdat svá kouzelná vánoční přání pro Ježíška a získat malou odměnu! S kódem pak můžete společně sledovat, jak jejich přání září v naší galerii přání.

Where can I send my wish to the Baby Jesus?

I have a code

Enter the code that you received when submitting your wish

How does mail to the Baby Jesus work?

Give children the opportunity to put their Christmas wishes on paper and send a personal message to the Baby Jesus. Their picture has the power to make Christmas dreams come true!

Draw a picture of your Christmas wish at home and place it in an envelope.
Bring your wishlist to the post office that sends mail to the Baby Jesus.
You will receive a small reward and a code with which you can view your wish later on the web or give consent to be published in the wish gallery.